The Orthodox Catholic Review

Previously published as the organ of the Catholicate of the West from 1945-53, the Orthodox Catholic Review was revived in 2017 as an occasional internet-published journal of opinion on subjects of interest to the University and the Catholicate of the West. The title of the Review recalls the eponymous journal of Fr. Julian Joseph Overbeck (1820-1905), a pioneer of Western Orthodoxy.

The following papers and articles are currently available under the Review’s imprint at the links below:

Vol. 3 no. 1: On Marriage/Sul Matrimonio (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 2: On God/Su Iddio (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 3: On the Crusades/Sulle Crociate (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 4: On Godfrey of Bouillon/Su Goffredo di Buglione (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 5: Psychological Considerations on the Procuration of Abortion/Considerazioni Psicologiche sull’Aborto Procurato (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 6: On Saladin/Su Saladino (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 7: On Sin/Sul Peccato (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 8: On Solomon/Su Salomone (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 9: Does Bioethics have its real genesis in Buddhism?/La Bioetica ha la propria genesi nel Buddismo? (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 10: The Procuration of Abortion according to certain Religions/L’Aborto Procurato secondo alcune Religioni (text in English)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 11: On King David/Su Davide (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 12: Against Abortion/Contro l’Aborto (text in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 13: On St Thomas Aquinas/Su San Tommaso d Aquino (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 14: On Misogyny/Sulla Misoginia (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 15a: My Statement Against Abortion (text in English) warning: contains graphic images
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 15b: My Battle Against Abortion/La mia battaglia contro l’Aborto (book in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 16: On Jesus/Su Gesù (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 17: On Music and Morality/Musica e Morale (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 18: On Satan/Su Satana (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 19: The Nobility and certain aphorisms on it in Latin/La Nobiltà e taluni aforismi su di essa in latino (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 20: On Charlemagne/Su Carlo Magno (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 21: On the Blessed Virgin Mary/Sulla Beata Vergine Maria (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 22: On St Paul the Apostle/Su San Paolo Apostolo (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 23: On Japanese Fascism: Yukio Mishima/Il Fascismo giapponese: Yukio Mishima (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 24: On Suicide/Sul Suicidio (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 25: Infanticide and Abortion in China and India: a Bioethical Reflection/Infanticidio ed Aborto in Cina ed India: una riflessione Bioetica (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 26: The Emperor St Constantine the Great/L’Imperatore San Costantino il Grande (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 27: On Christianity/Sul Cristianesimo (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 28: On Homosexuality/Sulla Omosessualità (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 29: On Religion/Sulla Religione (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 30: On Love/Sull’Amore (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 31: On St Augustine of Hippo/Su Sant’Agostino da Tagaste Vescovo di Ippona (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 32: On Sodomy/Sulla Sodomia (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 33: Poems for Life/Poesie per la Vita (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 34: On Ahimsa (Non-Violence)/Sulla Non Violenza (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 35: On Confucianism/Il Confucianesimo (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 36: The Neo-Hinduist Movement of Sri Chinmoy/Il Movimento neo induista di Shree Chinmoy (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 37: In the Name of Love – Acrostics against Abortion/In nome dell’Amore acrostici contro l’aborto (text in Italian) warning – contains graphic images
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 38: On Violence Against Paganism and Laicism: The Martyrdom of Hypathya of Alexandria/Sulla Violenza contro il Paganesimo ed il Laicismo: il Martirio di Ipazia di Alessandria (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 39: On an Orthodox Religious Order of Merit/Su di un Ordine di Merito Religioso Ortodosso (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 40: On the Orange Movement of Ôsho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh)/Il Movimento degli Arancioni (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 41: Urban Graffiti, Youths and Society/Graffiti Urbani, Minori e Società (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 42: Female Ritual Suicide in the Samurai Aristocracy/Il Suicidio rituale femminile nell’Aristocrazia Samuraica (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 43: Lutheranism and Abortion/Luteranesimo ed Aborto (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 44: Shintoism, The Religion of Japan/Lo Shintoismo Religione del Giappone (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 45: Brief Notes on the Peacock in Culture and in Art/Brevi Cenni sul Pavone nella Cultura e nell’Arte (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 46: On Manichaeism/Sul Manicheismo (text in Italian)
a new book by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 47: The Attack on Pearl Harbour/L’attacco a Pearl Harbour (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 48: The Death Penalty in China/Pena di Morte in Cina (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 49: Sulla Catalogna Indipendente, Repubblicana, Libera e Sovrana/On the Independent, Republican, Free and Sovereign Catalunya (text in Italian) (superseded by second edition, see Vol. 4 no. 2 below).
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 50: A few words on Masonry
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 51: LA DIFESA PERSONALE NON E’ COME L’ARTE MARZIALE DEI FILM/Self-Defence: not like the martial arts in the films! (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 52: Il Libro della Croce The Book of the Cross (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 53: Il libro del Cane/The Book of Dog (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 3 no. 54: Geopolitica Sociologia Diritti Umani e Catalogna Indipendente/Geopolitics, Sociology, Human Rights and Independent Catalonia (book of 100 pages, text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 1: Riflessioni sul Caso Savoia/Reflections on the House of Savoy (text in Italian, book of 156 pages)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 2: Interview with Archbishop John Kersey/Intervista all’Arcivescovo Episcopale Prof. Dr. John Kersey (text in Italian; some material intended for inclusion in a forthcoming work on human sexuality)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 3: Geopolitica Sociologia Diritti Umani e Catalogna Indipendente/Geopolitics, Sociology, Human Rights and Independent Catalonia (book of 159 pages, second edition, revised and enlarged, text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 5: Legislazione in tema di Libertà Religiosa/Legislation on the subject of Religious Freedom (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 6: San Valentino perseguitato dai Fondamentalisti Religiosi/St Valentine persecuted by Religious Fundamentalists (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 7: Il traffico di organi/ The traffic in organs (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 8: Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans (text in Italian, English, French, Spanish) by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol. 4 no. 9: Le Arti Marziali comparate agli Sport (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 4 no. 10: A proposito delle Arti Marziali (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 4 no. 11: Radici Antropomorfe in Medicina/Anthropomorphic Roots in Medicine (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 5 no 1: Il libretto per i bambini e per i grandi rimasti tali/The little book for the children and for adults who have remained young (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 5 no 2: Sul Cavaliere/On the Knight
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

The reader is advised that Vol 5 no 3 – Vol 5 no 8 inclusive (marked with a *) deal with adult subjects.

*Vol 5 no 3: Gli Aztechi e la Sessualita/The Aztecs and Sexuality (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

*Vol 5 no 4: Il Capelli e il loro Feticismo/Hats and their fetishism (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

*Vol 5 no 5: Il Corsetto Femminile e il Suo Feticismo/The female corset and its fetishism (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

*Vol 5 no 6: Il Bacio/The Kiss (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

*Vol 5 no 7: Il Baciamano/Hand-kissing (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

*Vol 5 no 8: Sesso e Protestantesimo/Sex and Protestantism (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 5 no 9: Un orrore della Rivoluzione Francese, il Matrimonio Repubblicano/A horror of the French Revolution, the Republican marriage (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 5 no 10: Sullo Stupro (le “marocchinate”)/On the Mass Rape of the Second World War (the “Moroccan Deeds”) (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 5 no 11: Michelle Williams e l’aborto procurato/Michelle Williams and procured abortion (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 6 no 1: Alfabeto Fonetico Internazionale/The International Phonetic Alphabet (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 6 no 2: Qualche informazione sull’Ananas/Some information about the pineapple (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 6 no 3: Sulla Lavanda/About Lavender (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 6 no 4: La così detta Lady Dracula la Contessa Bathory/The so called “Lady Dracula”, the Countess Bathory (text in Italian)
by Professor Luca Scotto di Tella de’ Douglas

Vol 7 no 1: Recognition of “other” in Levinas and its involvement in the Education Act (text in Spanish) by Fray Marlon Francisco Milcolta Preciado (B.Th. dissertation)